
Sunday, October 2, 2011

History of Cosmetology

Women are known to be fussy about their beauty routines. In the recent times, even men have joined the bandwagon when it comes to grooming their looks. This is probably why the beauty business has always been booming! Cosmetology is very much in demand due to the number of people opting for this field as a career. Cosmetology includes many branches one can specialize in and which also serves a lucrative career option. A look at the many brands that are out to woo women in a bid to look younger only testifies this fact. Women in the ancient days were equally beauty-conscious. Although in the olden days, modern facilities were not easily available...

Start a Beauty Salon: Tips and Advice

If going solo has been your dream in the beauty business, then it is time you shape your dreams into reality and start thinking and planning for your own beauty salon. Apart from a lot of initiatives from your side, it takes a strong judgment and a sound financial backing before starting a beauty salon. You need to have basic skills, as it will help you get a better understanding on starting a beauty salon. If you want to live the dream and realize them in the beauty business, you must do your homework in this regard. To start a beauty salon requires more than just planning and dreaming! You need to consult people who have been in the business...

Cosmetologist Salary

Women as well as men, in the recent years, have heightened awareness about their physical appearance. Being fussy about their looks is not a new phenomena and almost everybody is willing to spend some extra bucks on personal grooming. Welcome to the age of cosmetology! With increase in number of beauty and skin care centers, spas and beauty salons, skilled cosmetologists are in great demand. As career opportunities are gaining momentum in this field, competition is also increasing considerably. While there are some aspirants who wish to be full time cosmetologists, there are various others who wish to work in this field...

Esthetician Salary Range

The principal fact finding agency of the US government, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) enlists the job description of esthetician as skin care specialists. Estheticians are chiefly responsible for grooming the personal appearance of the clients by working in co-ordination with barbers or cosmetologists. Just like hair dressers, manicurists, pedicurists etc. esthetician help in improving the personal appearance of an individual. Esthetician Job Description The esthetician salary range is predicted to increase in the coming years as the demand for personal grooming and make overs is increasing every day. The estheticians serve the clients...

Medical Esthetician

Medical esthetician is a person concerned with maintaining and improving the look of patients, who have received trauma or injury to their skin. Medical estheticians differ from other estheticians in the sense that they work in a medical setting with patients who have experienced trauma to the skin during a medical procedure, or whose skin have been affected by accident and major illnesses. Medical estheticians are basically skin care specialists with a license to practice skin care. In the coming years, this branch of cosmetology is expected to see a fast growth rate and provide ample career opportunities. Medical Esthetician Job Description As...

Esthetician Job Description

The skin and beauty care industry has shown tremendous progress in the past few decades. In the United States, skin care and personality grooming has become a norm for everyone. And why not, an imposing personality with good looks always creates an everlasting impression on others. The increase in demands of professionals, who can meet the needs of the clients by helping them groom their physical looks, has risen the demand of experts in this field that offers great career opportunities. One of the experts who offer these services to the customers, are the estheticians who help the clients care for their skin. Job Description of an Esthetician Basically,...

Paramedical Esthetician Salary

Paramedical estheticians work under health care settings, they work along with cosmetic surgeons, physicians, dermatologists, etc. The paramedical esthetician salary is quiet comparable with other medical support staff and at the entry level they get an average salary starting from USD 25,000. Paramedical estheticians help accident trauma victims, patients undergoing cosmetic surgery and other procedures related to skin. They educate patients about make up techniques that help hide scars and provide better skin care tips. Paramedical estheticians are skin care experts and have an in depth know how of the latest medical aesthetics....
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