
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


In view of Public interest for root level of need to Para Medices the Para Medical council of India - Delhi (the Para Medical Division of PMS& EHRDO of India) was established. The Governing body PMS & EHRDO of India (Central Board) Delhi was established in 1995 under SR Act 21 of 1860 duly Registered with the Government of India Registration No. S-28104 by our beloved promoter late Shree Dr.R. N. Misra. This organization PMS & EHRDO of India was framed to impart education , research & Development in Para Medical Science, Allied or Traditional and Alternative Medicine other then allopathic, Ayurvedic, Unani and Homeopathy. In this information bulletin when Para Medical of council of India is giving means the Para Medical division of PMS&EHRDO of India Delhi is an autonomous...

Paramedical sciences: courses with great scope

Remember "Once in lifetime you or any of your friends or family members had been to a hospital & were recommended to have an X-Ray taken or undergo a Blood test, CT Scan etc…". Hope not many of us have experienced. Sometimes, the doctors give up their treatment and ask the patient to visit a "particular person" called Physiotherapist or occupational therapist who offers better & effective treatment. And many more instances. Now what's important is to know more about such "Professionals " who do a Blood Test or a massage or a therapy and aid the doctor for better treatment of the patient & hence make health care easy and effective. These Professionals are called as "Paramedics." Paramedics are the key players in the Health & Medical Sector. Without paramedics, the entire...

List of Institutions In India

List of Institutions In India X-Ray Technology and Radiology Involves the use of X-rays, high frequency sound waves etc. to scan the body's entrails. Medical Laboratory Technology is concerned with the collection, sampling, testing, reporting and documentation of laboratory investigations. Physiotherapy covers the use of exercises, related equipment, electrotherapy, magneto therapy, massage etc. to rebuild damaged muscles, ligaments & bones. Occupational Therapy trains in the rehabilitation of physically and mentally impaired persons. Optometry of Opthalmic Technology specialises in the treatment of disorders related to the eye. Prosthetic or Orthotic Engineering involves the replacement of missing parts of the body with artificial structures. Audiology...
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